Artemis I Moon Launch Postponed After Engine Trouble

“Once we got through loading the propellant into the rocket, both the core stage and the upper stage, they started bleeding the engine,” Artemis mission manager Mike Sarafin said. “We discussed in the flight readiness review the engine bleed, we knew it was a risk for this launch campaign and it would be the first time we’d successfully demonstrated it.” The launch was postponed this morning when the launch team discovered an engine bleed problem in engine #3....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 217 words · William Hammons

Beto O Rourke Suspends Campaign Against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

The Democrat is recuperating at his home in El Paso, coming off the campaign trail with the November election two months away. Texas Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke speaks to a crowd of supporters at a campaign rally. Getty Images “After feeling sick on Friday, I went to Methodist Hospital in San Antonio where I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection,” the former congressman and presidential candidate announced Sunday on his Twitter account, adding that he is taking antibiotics and has been ordered by doctors to rest....

October 23, 2022 · 3 min · 589 words · Lawrence Harris

Betrunkener Fl Chtet Vor Polizei Springt In Wiener Kanal Leser

Gegen 21 Uhr wurde es vor einem Mariahilfer-Stand gewalttätig: Ein Betrunkener soll einen 25-Jährigen grundlos geschlagen und mit einer Glasflasche attackiert haben. Als Passanten versuchten, den Mann zu beruhigen, flippte der Wiener völlig aus und bewarf mehrere Personen mit Flaschen. Als die Polizei eintraf, flüchtete der 20-Jährige und begann eine hektische Verfolgungsjagd. Mann springt von der Brücke, kommt nicht raus Beim Eintreffen der Beamten machte der Verdächtige wiederholt verwirrende und falsche Angaben zu seinem Namen, sodass der Herr aufgefordert wurde, zur Polizeiwache zu kommen....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 274 words · Jonnie Galuska

Caroline Garcia Prend Un Bon D Part L Us Open Face Kamilla Rakhimova

4-0 après 14 minutes La Française est entrée en jeu comme un boulet de canon : elle menait déjà 4-0 après quatorze minutes. Sereine au service, comme à son habitude agressive au retour, elle avait remporté seize des dix-neuf premiers points. Déjà dominée (6-3, 6-4) par Garcia à Bad Homburg, sur gazon, en juin, Rakhimova n’a pu s’empêcher de souffrir de la vitesse de balle adverse. Nous nous sommes sentis impuissants à renverser le cours de la course....

October 23, 2022 · 1 min · 204 words · Justin Buzzard

Cymru Councilor S Anti English Gun Photo Investigated By Police

October 23, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Dorothy Taft

Der Spiegel App Update

Wir haben die SPIEGEL-App erneuert. Leider funktionieren ältere App-Versionen aus technischen Gründen nicht mehr. Um weiterhin kostenlose Nachrichten, Analysen und Berichte zu lesen, aktualisieren Sie Ihre App:

October 23, 2022 · 1 min · 27 words · Stephanie Orozco

Des Escales Francis Es Au Mont Royal

• A lire aussi : En français ! Numéro d’épisode 3435764128 • A lire aussi : La qualité du français : ce n’est pas un non-sens Lors du passage du Journal dans la ville bilingue située sur l’île de Montréal, un employé de la Ville, découragé, s’affairait à enlever tous les autocollants qui se trouvaient sur les panneaux d’un secteur. Il a ensuite supprimé plus d’une dizaine d’avis “stop” affichés dans le sud de la ville des 20....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 343 words · Freddie Brady

Dr. Anthony Fauci To Resign From Us Government To Pursue Next Phase Of Career Us News

The 81-year-old served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden. He served at NIAID for 38 years and became the face of the nation’s response to COVID-19 during the pandemic. Dr. Fauci said he would leave both roles to “pursue the next chapter” of his career. In a statement, Mr. Biden said of his departure: “As he steps down from his position in the US government, I know that the American people and the entire world will continue to benefit from Dr....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 301 words · Daniel Chapman

Fiery Semi Collision South Of Merritt Kills One On Coquihalla Highway Kamloops News

UPDATE 4:50 p.m The highway has now reopened in both directions, DriveBC reports. UPDATE: 11:40 a.m The BC Highway Patrol confirms one person is dead and another is in serious condition after a fiery crash south of Merritt on the Coquihalla Highway. Two semis collided near the Comstock exit early this morning, resulting in a large fire, says BCHP spokesman Cpl. Mike Halskoff. “According to the first information, a semi rear-ended the second one, which was destroyed on the highway,” Halskov says....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 282 words · John Witkowski

Five Stunning New Images From The Webb Telescope That You Haven T Seen Yet

NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI/Judy Schmidt/PHANGS Things have been pretty quiet since NASA released the first incredible images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). A few weeks later some amazing images of the Cartwheel Galaxy were published and, this week, some beautiful images of Jupiter. However, for those expecting a flurry of incredible JWST images on a daily basis from NASA, it’s been a waiting game. There is a way to see the latest JWST images....

October 23, 2022 · 3 min · 584 words · Ann Bushnell

Hei Ester Trockenster Sommer D Rre F Hrt Zu Stromausf Llen In China

23.8.2022 5:23 Uhr Eine Hitzewelle in China führt nicht nur zu Waldbränden, sondern auch zu historisch niedrigen Wasserständen. Das hat Auswirkungen auf die Stromversorgung – und es gibt behördlich vorgeschriebene Maßnahmen zum Stromsparen. Eine wochenlange Dürre und Hitzewelle haben in Teilen Chinas zu Stromausfällen geführt. Chinesische Staatsmedien berichteten am Montag, dass die meisten Einkaufszentren in der südwestchinesischen Metropole Chongqing erst zwischen 16 Uhr öffnen dürften. und 21 Uhr, um den Stromverbrauch der Klimaanlagen zu reduzieren....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 250 words · Lindsay Condon

Iran S Arab Foes Mend Ties Amid Uncertainty Over Nuclear Talks

“It is obvious that there is a regional direction that is in conjunction with the Saudi movement,” Mohammed Baharoun, director general of the Dubai Center for Public Policy Research, told CNN. The decision to return the ambassador “is part of the UAE’s regional orientation to rebuild bridges, strengthen relations, maximize what we share and build on it to create an atmosphere of trust, understanding and cooperation,” Anwar tweeted Gargash, adviser to the president of the UAE....

October 23, 2022 · 8 min · 1556 words · Daniel Friddle

Iraq Protests Turn Deadly After Prominent Cleric Quits Politics

Comment BAGHDAD — Followers of a prominent Shiite cleric stormed Iraq’s presidential palace Monday, in an outburst of anger following the cleric’s vow to quit politics that resulted in clashes with security forces and left at least 12 people dead, health officials said. By late evening, gunfire and explosions were rattling windows across the capital, as long-simmering political arguments gave way to the deployment of heavy weapons and mortar rounds....

October 23, 2022 · 4 min · 703 words · Mary Meador

L Amour Est Dans Le Pr Pourquoi L Un Des Pr Tendants De Sebastian Est Il Flou

Lire aussi la télé “Le Meilleur Pâtissier” Saison 11 : Comment M6 veut booster la deuxième partie de… la télé LCI présente ses excuses après une usurpation d’identité jugée raciste par un chroniqueur la télé “J’ai eu un sentiment de trahison, c’était violent”: Pierre Marteau tremble… “La production a respecté le choix du candidat” Mais les téléspectateurs ne verront pas la rencontre entre l’agriculteur et l’une des jeunes femmes qui ont fait le déplacement....

October 23, 2022 · 1 min · 166 words · Fred Houk

Lakehouse Home Store Seeks Liquor License As Part Of Cooking Class Plans Kelowna News

Lakehouse Home Store has taken another step in its expansion plans by asking the city to approve a liquor license on its second floor. The downtown Kelowna store opened its second floor in June after more than a year of renovations, and the space included two kitchens that will be used for cooking classes. Lakehouse says her cooking facility will be the first of its kind in downtown Kelowna and will attract locals, tourists and businesses to her cooking classes....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 235 words · Juan Schmidt

Liz Truss Accused Of Running Scared After Walking Out Of Bbc Interview Liz Truss

Earlier this month, the Foreign Secretary agreed to an interview with veteran political journalist Nick Robinson on BBC One, something Rishi Sunak, her rival to succeed Boris Johnson as Conservative leader, has already done. However, a BBC spokesman said Truss had canceled the interview. “Ms Truss’ team say she can no longer spare time to appear on Our Next Prime Minister,” they said. “We regret that it was not possible to conduct an in-depth interview with both candidates, despite the fact that we have agreed to do so....

October 23, 2022 · 3 min · 533 words · Daniel Horrigan

Loredana Wollny 18 Spekulationen Um Den Vater Ihres Babys

Den Vater ihres Babys erraten Loredana Wollny erwartet ihr erstes Kind. Auf Instagram erzählt sie ihren Fans von der Schwangerschaft. Wer der Vater ist, ist noch unklar. 1/8 Loredana Wollny erwartet ihr erstes Kind. Die Wollny „schrecklich große Familie“ wächst und wächst. Wie auf Instagram angekündigt, erwartet Loredana (18), die jüngste Tochter der elf Kinder von Silvia (57) und Dieter Wollny (63), bald ihr erstes Baby. Sie postete ein Foto eines Stofftiers zusammen mit einem positiven Schwangerschaftstest und einem Ultraschall des Babys....

October 23, 2022 · 2 min · 219 words · Ronald Burgos

Lough Enagh Two Teenagers Die In Tragic Drowning Police Confirm Utv

A PSNI statement said officers were called just after 6.25pm ​​on Monday to reports of a number of people experiencing difficulties in the water. The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) said a rapid response ambulance, five emergency crews, a hazardous area response team and an ambulance officer were sent to the scene. NIAS also assigned the ambulance to attend the incident. Inspector Brogan said: “A man was pulled from the water and taken to hospital where he was later pronounced dead....

October 23, 2022 · 1 min · 196 words · Carolyn Fuller

Nasa Has Released The Sound Of A Black Hole And It S Creepy As Hell

Over the weekend, NASA shared audio of sound waves that astronomers extracted from the black hole at the center of the Perseus galaxy cluster. The sounds were then amplified and mixed with other data to create this track: NASA clarified that it was “not intentionally made ominous, but the sound you hear is greatly amplified and other sounds are interpreted from light data.” “One of the motivations for creating such sound data is the desire to share science with more people,” the space agency added....

October 23, 2022 · 1 min · 183 words · Ramon Leppla

New Yorkers Will Vote In Key Primary Races Tuesday Cbs News

October 23, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · David Hendrickson