The African country recorded a new case of Ebola on August 17 in the province’s Beni health zone in a 46-year-old woman who was admitted to the Beni General Hospital in late July and died on August 15 in the intensive care unit. said the ministry.
Sequencing tests suggest the outbreak is genetically linked to the large outbreak in 2018-2020 centered in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, it said. During the great epidemic, 3,470 people were infected and 2,287 were killed.
“With the experience gained in the management of Ebola virus disease and the availability of vaccines and therapeutic molecules, teams from the provincial health department and the Beni health zone are already working on the ground to carry out response activities,” the ministry said.
On July 4, the DRC declared the end of the latest Ebola outbreak that broke out less than three months ago in Bandaka, the capital of Ecuador’s northwestern province. There were four confirmed cases and one probable case, all of whom died, in the outbreak. It was the third outbreak in the province since 2018 and the 14th overall in the country. ■