The impressive 25cm wide atlas moth was spotted in a homeowner’s garage in Bellevue, a town about 10 miles east of Seattle. It was hard to miss, with a wingspan as wide as a dinner plate. This is believed to be the first atlas spotted loose in the US and is surprising even non-insects. “It’s kind of a ‘gee-whiz’ insect because it’s so big,” Washington State entomologist Sven Spichiger said in a statement from the state authority. “Even if you’re not on the lookout for insects, this is the type that people take out their phones and take a picture of – they’re that impressive.”
No danger to humans
So far there have been no further sightings, but Washington Department of Agriculture (WSDA) entomologists are asking the public to report any sightings of the giant atlas moth that do not pose a public threat. It’s not dangerous, it’s just not native. So far there is no evidence that an atlas moth population has established itself in the US state south of British Columbia. The striking insect was first reported to state authorities by a University of Washington professor on July 7. After initially being identified, the creature was sent to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which confirmed the specimen as an atlas moth on July 27. According to US authorities, it is believed to be the first confirmed sighting of an atlas moth in the country. The sighting in Bellevue is believed to be the first confirmed sighting of an atlas moth in the country, according to US authorities. (Washington Department of Agriculture)
Moths are considered a pest in the US
Residents are encouraged to photograph, collect and report atlas moths if they are seen. Atlas moths are named after Atlas, the Titan in Greek mythology, a nod to their impressive size. They belong to a family of giant silkworm moths and are also known as “snake-headed moths” for the markings and extensions on some of the species’ front wings that resemble the eyes and head of a snake. They are generally found in Asia — from India and the Philippines to Indonesia. It is also a federally quarantined pest in the US It is illegal to possess, breed, or sell live moths as eggs, larvae, or pupae without a USDA permit. Entomologists believe that apple and cherry plants may be able to host the non-native insect species. “This is typically a tropical moth. We’re not sure it could survive here,” Spichiger said, noting the USDA is gathering information to provide response recommendations. “But in the meantime, we hope the residents will help us find out if it was an escapee or if there really is a population in the area.”
Little beauty
There are atlas moth fan clubs on social media that show people breeding the species in their homes. Moths only live long enough to mate and lay eggs – between five and 14 days – as they are born without the ability to eat and must survive on food reserves stored as caterpillars. The atlas moth dwarfs other large moths found in the US according to this chart from the Washington Department of Agriculture. (Washington Department of Agriculture) The greenish-white caterpillars of atlas moths have a distinctive red and blue spot on their hind legs. Unlike moths, caterpillars are predatory eaters, preferring privet, citrus, cinnamon and mango trees – and a species called the Tree of Heaven. But the caterpillars are not so picky as not to adapt to North American plants, which is why they are of interest to agricultural authorities charged with pest control. Rusty brown to orange atlas moth wings can have yellow, red, purple, black, and pink highlights with triangular translucent windows. Anyone who sees this moth is encouraged to send a photo and the location of the spot to [email protected] for identification.