The video clips, which emerged last week, showed the 36-year-old leader dancing with friends in a private setting. Some political opponents condemned Marin’s behavior in the videos as unbecoming a prime minister. The women responded to this criticism by tweeting clips of themselves dancing, using the hashtag #solidaritywithsanna. “The sky’s the limit for Dancing Queens,” one user wrote on Twitter. “We all need to dance some more! I stand in solidarity with Sanna,” another user wrote. “Let’s dance for each other,” said another. Others defended Marin and accused her critics of double standards. “Why can’t he party after work? Do we expect our leaders to not be human?” tweeted Ashok Swain, professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University in Sweden. “How shocking!!! A young politician doing her job and enjoying her private life… Why can’t a young woman have fun? I can’t stand the double standards of both sexes,” Spanish politician Iratxe tweeted. Garcia Perez. “All my support to @MarinSanna.”

How shocking!!! 😱 A young politician doing her job and enjoying her private life… Why can’t a young woman have fun? I can’t stand the double standards of both sexes. All my support to @MarinSanna #SannaMarin — Iratxe Garcia Perez/♥️ (@IratxeGarper) August 19, 2022 After the videos were released, Marin admitted to partying “in a rowdy way” but said she was angry that the video was leaked to the media. On Thursday, he said alcohol was consumed, but he was not aware of any drug use at the party. The next day, she said she took a drug test after Mikko Karna, an opposition MP, invited her to do so.