The Mosaic feature brings to mind a similar feature that was available with Sony’s now-defunct PlayStation Vue service. Although it was announced at a presentation for Google TV and Android TV hardware makers, Protocol notes that the feature is likely to eventually make its way to non-Android smart TVs from Samsung and LG, as Google wants to keep its services consistent across different material. PlayStation Vue previously allowed you to watch four streams side-by-side Other new features detailed in the presentation include optimizations for YouTube Shorts, the company’s TikTok-style short-form video service, when viewed on large screens. The report suggests that the YouTube Shorts interface on smart TVs could eventually remove the scroll bar used to clean up traditional YouTube videos and also offer quick access to the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. Although YouTube Shorts are currently available in the YouTube app on some smart TVs (like LG’s), they play using a standard YouTube interface that isn’t suitable for their short form style. Finally, YouTube Music also has some new features for smart TVs, such as the ability for subscribers to browse and add playlists and albums to their libraries. Google did not immediately respond to The Verge’s request for comment, but Protocol reports that at least one of the new features could arrive in an update “in the coming months.”