The world-renowned air show team were closing the Rhyl Air Show in north Wales after a weekend of Typhoon aircraft and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. However, those attending the event said they heard a “loud pop” from above, followed by Red 6 leaving the group and returning to the ground. It turns out that a bird had hit the jet’s cockpit window, breaking it and forcing the pilot to land with the help of one of his colleagues. According to the Daily Record, the event’s announcer said over the PA system: “From what I can hear it sounds like a bird has hit its canopy…that generally means the bird went through the canopy and completely broke it, which means that what he is really hearing is the wind rushing through the canopy. “That’s my biggest guess. If that’s the case, it’s very important for Red 6 because it’s listening to air traffic, air traffic can’t hear you, so Seven is with him and they’re going to be guided with him on his wing . “The most important part is that it sounds like it didn’t fall under the engine.” David Montenegro, the team commander, said afterwards: “Steve, the pilot… he’s a bit shaken up, but fine, thanks. “His immediate actions taken calmly and correctly with the support of his colleagues ensured a safe outcome.” The rest of the squadron abandoned their performance and, once cleared to land, headed back to Hawarden airfield. The pilots reportedly landed to a “hero’s welcome”, the Daily Record reported, and applauded as they exited their aircraft.