The video, which has garnered more than 150,000 views in the four days it’s been online, was uploaded by TikTok user ‘Phantabae’ and shows a person posing and taking pictures in a number of different positions dangerously close to the edge of the Falls.
In the video’s caption, the user says he is a professional daredevil, warning others not to attempt the stunt.
Niagara Mayor Jim Diodati denounced the stunt when reached for comment.
“This kind of stunt is a very bad idea. It’s exactly what we don’t need here in Niagara Falls,” Diodati said in a statement to CTV News Toronto on Monday.
“It sets a bad example for kids and they think it’s all about getting more views on social media. It’s really unfortunate where this is happening,” he said.
CTV News Toronto has reached out to Niagara Parks Police for comment.