The 14-year-old chestnut gelding, called Sandown, was described as one of the Met’s “most experienced horses”. The force said it would be investigating after the animal collapsed at around 9pm on Sunday. It died at the scene despite being provided with emergency care. The force said in a statement: “It is too early to determine the cause of death. An investigation will now follow. In a tribute to the animal, the Met said: “PH Sandown was gifted to the Met in 2015 and his good nature quickly won over officers. He was the go-to horse to help new officers grow in confidence as they went through their training. “A pro at policing all types of events across London, he demonstrated his bravery and courageousness at numerous football fixtures whilst also being selected to perform at the Mounted Activity Ride at Olympia, and the Mounted Musical Ride. “Police horses are working animals, but PH Sandown was also an affectionate character who was full of personality. He loved his food and was always nuzzling in pockets looking for treats. “PH Sandown was a massive part of the Mounted Branch family and was loved dearly. He will be sorely missed by all. It came as police made 38 arrests by 7.30pm on Sunday, 10 of which were for alleged assaults. Other suspected offences included drug possession, criminal damage and possession of offensive weapons. Two arrests were made for alleged sexual assaults, according to the force. Millions were expected to attend the carnival over the course of the two-day festival, which has had a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. As huge crowds gathered on Sunday, two people were injured when a bus shelter collapsed in the Ladbroke Grove area. Several people were seen standing and dancing on top of it before the incident, with those watching heard to gasp and exclaim in shock as the group fell through the top of the shelter. The two people affected suffered minor injuries and did not need further treatment, police said.