The latest version, expected to be called the iPhone 14, is rumored to include an always-on display similar to what’s on the Apple Watch now, allowing for continuous information without looking at it without killing battery life. Apple hasn’t really said what it plans to announce at its event, only sending out a cryptic invitation to the press, with the Apple logo visible against a night sky, hinting at possible camera improvements or last year’s rumored satellite emergency call. The image looks like something we might see from the James Webb Space Telescope, whose stunning photos have already begun to change the way we see the world since they were first released earlier this summer. In its announcement, Apple included the teaser words “Far out.” Read more: Apple holds ‘Far Out’ iPhone launch event for September 7 The launch of the iPhone 14 will also mark the 15th year since the original iPhone debuted in June 2007. Back then, the device wasn’t the surefire hit it is today. Many tech industry watchers were excited about Apple’s prospects of course, but it hadn’t proven it could create reliable phone technology before then. It was also up against huge competitors like Microsoft, Palm and Research in Motion, whose Blackberry devices ruled the business world at the time. But within a decade, Apple — as well as Google’s popular Android software — had beaten all three companies. While the iPhone will be a key product to see at Apple’s event this year, and likely the one most people will be focusing their attention on, the company is expected to hold other events later this year with other devices on display. These include new Macs with upgraded chips and new iPads. Read more: Everything we know so far about the iPhone 14

When is the Apple event?

Apple’s online-only event will take place on September 7 at 10am. PT, which is at 1 p.m. ET, at 6 p.m. BST and at 3 a.m. AEST. (Sorry, Australia.) Here’s a handy time zone converter to help you figure out what time it will be where you are.

Where can I watch the Apple live stream?

You’ll be able to stream Apple’s event directly from the company’s website. In the meantime, we’ll be reporting on the event live here on CNET.

What can we expect, apart from the iPhone 14 launch?

Apple’s digital events are fast-paced and impeccably produced. And even as Apple tries its hand at in-person events again as the health concerns of the coronavirus pandemic slowly recede, the company still seems to be applying what it’s learned about how to make its events more exciting. During its last event, the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June, Apple held a live stream, but then offered in-person demos for the press.