In a new interview with the Cut, Meghan explained why the couple chose not to share photos of their children with the British press — and how they opted out of going through the royal family to publicly share those photos of themselves.
Meghan explained that initially she was allowed to sign up to a pre-existing social media account that Harry, Kate and Will would also contribute to – and that she was supposed to adhere to a previously established set of rules about sharing publicly use of photographs.
“There is literally a structure where if you want to publish pictures of your child, as a family member, you have to give them to the Royal Rota first,” he said.
“Why would I give the very people who call my kids the ‘n-word’ a picture of my kid before I can share it with the people who love my kid?” asked the interviewer rhetorically.
“Tell me how that makes sense and then I’ll play this game.”
I mean, it makes sense! Kudos to Meghan and Harry for not playing by the old rules and setting new parameters for their lives moving forward. It’s important to set good boundaries in general!
Read Meghan’s full profile here.
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