The former Labor leader, who is now an independent MP, tweeted his support for Kareem Dennis, better known as Lowkey, late on Sunday night. Responding to the hip-hop artist’s tweet about his four-city tour of the Netherlands, Mr Corbyn wrote: “Well done Lowkey, what energy and good messages you bring!” Songs performed by Lowkey this year include Long Live Palestine, which includes the lyrics “nothing is more anti-semitic than Zionism” and “Israel is a terror state, they’re terrorists that terrorise”. Other tracks in his current setlist include references to the “Zionist lobby”. In the past he has characterized Israel as a “racist effort”. Lowkey is a supporter of Mr Corbyn, releasing a ‘Vote Corbyn’ rap video on the eve of the 2019 general election. In March, a row broke out after the National Union of Students invited Lowkey to appear at a conference for students from marginalized groups in late March. He pulled out of the event after concerns were raised by Jewish students, but the NUS was criticized for advising Jewish students to “go to an existing safe space” during the planned performance.