Despite her diagnosis, the businesswoman said she will continue to work and is focused on a new Channel 4 series and book she has planned for later in the year. The 50-year-old broadcaster and property expert began a course of chemotherapy last week. Beeny told the Daily Telegraph she had a “bit of a meltdown” after receiving the news of her diagnosis in a hospital conference room. She told the newspaper: “I’m lucky because I live in a family where we all talk.” The TV show added that she plans to tap into her “inner strength” throughout her treatment. Beeny, who has four sons, lost her mother to breast cancer when she was 10. She is best known for her work on property programs in the UK, including Help! My House is Falling Down and Sarah Beeny’s new life in the country. In 2010, Beeny began mapping the restoration of Rise Hall, a Grade II listed manor house in Rise, East Yorkshire, as part of the Channel 4 series Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare. The presenter and her artist husband Graham Swift worked to renovate Rise Hall as a family home and wedding venue and sold the property in 2019. In March, he revealed he was leaving London to move into a seven-bedroom house in Somerset with Swift and their sons. The couple bought a 90-hectare (220-acre) sheep farm in 2018, and Beeny later said she decided to make the move permanent after considering her children’s education.