It is interesting to note that Snapchat is not the first company to launch the dual camera feature. The latest social media platform BeReal has had this feature for quite some time now, with Instagram joining the hype train in July of this year. To use the newly introduced dual camera on eligible phones, just open the camera app, tap the dual camera option from the screen and you’re done. It is available for Spotlight videos, Stories as well as Snapshots. Also, the new dual camera feature offers four layouts namely portrait, landscape, picture-in-picture and crop. While the first two are pretty self-explanatory, the picture-in-picture mode displays a circular front-facing camera above the rear-view camera. The snap feature allows users to take a selfie and paste it on the rear camera image. Additionally, Snapchat allows users to use creative tools, which include music, lenses, and stickers. Snapchat Dual Camera is currently rolling out for iPhone XR or later, with support for Android devices coming in the near future. In related news, Snapchat’s revenue may see a bigger decline compared to the likes of Apple and Google.