Some kids sell lemonade, but 10-year-old David Hove decided he’d be selling lemon cranberry cookies out of his Toronto home this weekend. His older sister baked them and sold them – his first attempt at entrepreneurship. “I just thought about it so I could make money,” Hove told CTV NewsToronto, admitting he’s trying to save up to buy an Xbox gaming system. On Saturday, Hove set up a table and a cooler outside his home, and according to him, sales were going well. “I have many clients and most of them have given me advice.” His sister had also given him a piece of advice: not to leave his cash box unattended. So when nature called and Hove went inside to use the bathroom, he took his money with him. When he came back out, everything else was gone. The entire theft was caught on Hove’s security camera. In the video, you can see a white SUV drive by and then reverse. A man gets out of the vehicle, opens the trunk and starts loading things inside. A table, a fridge and even Hove’s water bottle were taken. “I thought these people are very crazy to take other people’s things when they knew it wasn’t theirs to take,” Hove said. The Hoves say they also don’t believe the thief mistook the items for trash because he removed and left the handwritten for-sale signs. “It hurts my heart to see my kids go through this,” Hove’s father, also named David, told CTV News Toronto. “They take the initiative to do something hard for themselves, but it teaches them life lessons.” In the security video, it appears the thief had children in the car – people can hide through the back seat window. The elder Howe hopes they, too, will learn a life lesson. “When you do things like that and you have your kids there, what lesson are you teaching them?” The Hove is hoping the items will be returned so young David can set up another stand this coming weekend in the hope of saving enough money to buy a gaming system. “It’s not right. Bring those items back and if you do it in other places, take those things back too.”