Evan Blass this afternoon shared a trio of images of the “Logitech G Gaming Handheld,” which was the name shared in early August on an official teaser page. This brand is especially known for PC gaming peripherals such as keyboard and mice. This “cloud gaming handheld” is coming “later this year,” according to this initial preview. With a Nintendo Switch-like form factor, the device is predominantly white in color. There are black thumbsticks flanking the screen, which has fairly large bezels, while a D-Pad sits on the left and X/Y/A/B on the right. There are also four buttons placed around each corner of the screen, including Home. The top black edge has power buttons, a volume rocker, and possibly a mute switch (it’s not clear if it’s a microphone or audio), as well as what appears to be a memory card slot. The UI is also Switch-like and prominently displays the Google Play Store, followed by Xbox Cloud Gaming, Nvidia GeForce Now, and Steam (Remote Play). Other UI elements include a row of five navigation modules in the top left corner, while the time, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and battery are at the other end. We’re also seeing cards for Chrome and YouTube, which pretty much guarantees that the Logitech G Gaming Handheld will be powered by Android. Meanwhile, this could be running Qualcomm’s Snapdragon G3x Gen 1 Android gaming chip “for the purpose” of gaming since last December it first debuted in a Razor developer kit. FTC: We use affiliate links that automatically earn you income. More. Check out 9to5Google on YouTube for more news: