Mexico Crushes Canada Little League World Series
The Mexican Little League team from this border community – located just south of Brownsville, Texas – showed Canada’s entry in the 75th Little League World Series on Monday that they take the name seriously by crushing the previously undefeated Little Mountain Little Leaguers of Vancouver 10-0 with a no-hitter and a walk to end the fifth inning. In a game that started three hours late due to earlier weather issues, both starting pitchers went through the first inning....
Mission Artemis 1 D Collage Report
Les opérations devaient se poursuivre pendant plusieurs heures, jusqu’à ce que la fusée ait été remplie de plus de 3 millions de litres d’hydrogène et d’oxygène liquides surfondus. Vers 3 heures du matin, heure locale, une fuite possible a été détectée lors du remplissage de l’étage principal avec de l’hydrogène, entraînant une pause. Après les tests, le streaming a finalement repris et les équipes ont continué à surveiller la situation de près....
Moqtada Al Sadr At Least 15 Dead Amid Clashes In Iraqi Capital
Newsom Rejects Legal Drug Injection Sites Cbs 8 San Diego
Opioids Killed More Ontarians In The Second Year Of The Pandemic Than In The First
Opioids killed more people in Ontario in the second year of the pandemic than in the first, but the province saw a drop in those deaths last March, according to newly released data. About eight people a day were dying from opioids in the second year of the pandemic, according to preliminary data from the Ontario Office of the Medical Examiner. From April 2021 to March 2022, there were 2,790 opioid-related deaths, a slight increase from 2,727 in the first year of the pandemic....
Owami Davies Guy S And St Thomas Nhs Trust Delayed Staff For Missing Black Colleague
The student nurse was last seen by her family on July 4, who reported her missing to Essex Police two days later. But Guy’s and St Thomas’s Foundation Trust (GSTT), where Ms Davies worked, did not share the information across the organization until August 4. That delay has drawn criticism from colleagues of Ms Davies who say it is at odds with the trust’s handling The disappearance of Petra Srncova last Decembera white nurse’s aide, when she sent an internal email within days of the employee’s disappearance....
Pemex Sees Significant Increase In Crude Processing In July
According to the state oil company’s most recent report, average oil processing for July was 820,128 barrels per day (bpd), up 15% from June and up 29% from July 2021. However, July’s number is still to fall short of the 1 million bpd target set by the government and Pemex for the end of 2022. Oil production remained close to 1.7 million bpd, also below the target of 1.9 million bpd for 2022....
Playstation Studios Sony Erwirbt Savage Game Studios
Savage Game Studios ist ein relativ junges Studio, das 2020 gegründet wurde und sich auf Handyspiele konzentriert. Mobiles Projekt in Arbeit Laut Hermen Hulst, Leiter der PlayStation Studios, arbeitet das Studio derzeit an einem unangekündigten Live-Action-Triple-A-Handy-Actionspiel. „Savage Game Studios ist Teil der neu gegründeten Mobilsparte von PlayStation Studios, die unabhängig von der Konsolenentwicklung agiert und sich auf innovative Mobilerlebnisse basierend auf neuem und bestehendem PlayStation-IP konzentriert“, sagte Hulst. Mehr zum Thema: „Wie wir Ihnen mit unseren Plänen, ausgewählte Titel auf den PC zu bringen, versichert haben, schmälern unsere Bemühungen außerhalb der Konsolen in keiner Weise unser Engagement für die PlayStation-Community oder unsere Leidenschaft, weiterhin großartige erzählerische Einzelspieler-Erlebnisse zu schaffen....
Supporters Rally At First Court Appearance For Saskatoon Mother Accused Of Faking Death Child Abduction
The woman disappeared at the end of July along with her seven-year-old child. CBC News is not naming her because of a ban on publishing information that could identify her child. Her truck and other personal belongings were found in Chief Whitecap Park, near the South Saskatchewan River near Saskatoon, on July 25. Police and community members searched extensively for the mother and son. But the woman and her child were found safe in Oregon City, Oregon on August 5 and he was arrested....
The Eu Will Introduce Emergency Measures To Limit The Rapid Rise In Energy Prices
With member states stepping up pressure for action, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Brussels was working on “emergency intervention” as well as structural reforms to the electricity market – which could allow cheaper renewables for the setting electricity prices. “Currently, natural gas dominates the electricity market price. . . with these exorbitant prices, we will have to disengage,” von der Leyen said on Monday in Berlin. “We should ensure that renewable energy is produced at a lower cost, that these costs are passed on to consumers and that windfalls are used to help vulnerable households....
The Iphone 14 Will Feature The Same Chip As The Iphone 13
In March, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claimed that only the iPhone 14 Pro models will feature the A16 chip, with the standard iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max models equipped with the A15 Bionic chip just like the iPhone 13. In an April edition of his newsletter, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman agreed that standard iPhone 14 models “are likely to stick with last year’s A15 or a variant.” The rumor has since been repeated by other sources such as Taiwanese research firm TrendForce....
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Three Arkansas Officers Were Fired After Video Captured The Beating
Officers were responding to a report of a man making threats outside a convenience store Sunday in the small town of Mulberry, about 140 miles (220 kilometers) northwest of Little Rock, near the Oklahoma border, authorities said. The video shows one officer hitting the suspect with a clenched fist, while another is seen hitting the man with his knee. The third officer holds him down on the sidewalk. In video captured from a car nearby, someone yells at the officers to stop hitting the man in the head....
Toronto Metropolitan University Is Going Bold With A New Nickname For Its Athletics Teams
So, why not venture into its sports renaming as well? TMU announced Monday that its athletic teams will now be named TMU Bold, one of three finalists selected from more than 4,800 survey submissions. TMU’s new mascot will be a falcon. “The idea for Bold came from feedback developed by community members,” said Jen McMillen, vice president, students, at TMU. “They wanted a unique, confident name. Boldness really embodies a lot about our university and what we’re trying to do....
Ukraine War South S Counteroffensive Against Russia Has Begun Military Says National
Administration spokeswoman Natalia Khomeniuk confirmed the attack in a news briefing and said it included the Kherson region. Ukraine has regularly signaled its intention to retake its south, specifically the city of Kherson, the only regional capital Russia has been able to capture from Ukraine since it invaded six months ago. Read more: Six months into war, Ukrainians say they have ‘no choice’ but to keep fighting The region is located north of Russia’s Crimean peninsula and has coastlines on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov....
Un Candidat Lib Ral Au Qu Bec Se Retire
• À lire aussi : Guy Ouellette quitte la politique frustré • Lire aussi : La langue parlée à la maison « n’est pas un bon indicateur » du déclin du français, plaide le libéral • À lire aussi : Anglade promet 5 000 $ de plus dans les poches des familles… et peut-être un manque à gagner Selon nos informations, un différend avec son employeur l’obligerait à retirer sa candidature....
Westjet Launches Legal Battle To Overturn 1 000 Passenger Compensation
In issuing its decision in July, the CTA clarified that, in general, airlines cannot deny compensation to passengers for flight cancellations caused by staff shortages. In a motion filed with the Federal Court of Appeal on Aug. 10, WestJet argues that the CTA’s decision was erroneous because it was based on a misinterpretation of Canada’s Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR). The court has not yet decided whether WestJet can proceed with its appeal....
Where Do People Live The Most See Where Your State Ranks In Life Expectancy
Hawaii has the highest life expectancy of any US state, according to new federal data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The combined life expectancy for men and women in the state was 80.7 years, the only US state with an average life expectancy of more than 80 years.
Why Pakistan Is At Ground Zero Of Climate Crisis After Deadly Floods Global News
Sherry Rehman, the country’s top climate official, has warned Pakistan is “at ground zero” of “flash floods, multiple glacial eruptions, heatwaves and now the monster monsoon of the decade”. Since the monsoon season began earlier than usual in June, a third of the country has disappeared under water, with entire villages washed away, crops destroyed and people desperately seeking higher ground. Meanwhile, Pakistani officials are calling on the UN and the international community for help....